Gendron House- 142 Central Street

The Gendron House- Sober Living
Helping Hands Outreach Center
142 Central Street

Participant Rules

-No tolerance towards use of alcohol/drugs. (Includes guests internal/external)
-Illegal drugs are absolutely prohibited. Anyone using illegal drugs need not apply. If found using or possessing any substances, the participant will be encouraged to seek drug or alcohol detoxification. Any drug paraphernalia will be confiscated. And if taking any prescription medication, the staff must be notified with a note from a doctor. Participants are to keep possession of only their own medication.
-The consumption or possession of alcohol is absolutely prohibited on these premises and while in residence here.
-“Open” campus (no curfew).
-Program Fee due date (Friday of each week or first of the month).
-Program Fee must be paid in money order form to “HHOC.”
-Threats, acts of aggression, & fighting are not tolerated. Doing so will result in termination of program privileges.
-The first Sunday of every month a MANDATORY house meeting is held to discuss any
issues, questions, or other item topics relating to house operations.
-House keys are not to be given to anyone under any circumstance. Doing so will result in termination of program privileges.
-Unapproved “borrowing” will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in termination of program privileges.
-Vandalism will not be tolerated (either to house or personal property). Doing so will result in termination of program privileges.
-Only one individual is allowed to reside in a room.
-Smoking is permitted only in your room.
-A chore will be assigned to each program participant on a rotating schedule (please be respectful of our communal living).
-Chore assignments will be posted in the kitchen on the Wednesday of each week, and are to be completed on Wednesdays & Saturdays of each week. Chores can be done anytime during the day, but must be completed by 9:00 PM.
-Per local fire codes some small appliances are not allowed to be in the rooms. Some of these items that are not allowed are: toaster ovens (w/o a timer control), hot plates, crock pots, and other such items that do not have a timer device that shuts off the unit. Items that are allowed are refrigerators, microwaves, toasters, and coffee makers.
-It is the participants responsibility to make sure outside doors are locked at all times and that they have their keys with them. Be responsible with your keys. There is a $5 charge for each lost key or if keys are not returned at time of vacancy. You are given a key to the front door and the room that you are assigned.
-The management will give a twenty-four hour prior notification to the participant before entering the resident to determine their physical condition for reasons of health and safety , for unauthorized occupation, for the protection of property, to make necessary repairs, alterations or installation, and for the conservation of energy.

-all participants are required to have a current source of income (i.e. job, social security.(with proof of current reward letter), etc.)
-Pets are not allowed in this HHOC facility.

Program Fees

-Fees are designated by the size of the room are either $130.00/ Week (Small Room) or $145.00/week (large room) **

Conditional fee variances- If the individual is accepted into the HUD-Safe Haven program, program fees are adjusted by $40.00/ week
-Large Rooms- $105.00/ Week **
-Small Rooms- $90.00/ Week **

            ** Fees include house food and supplies

Guest rules:
-Any guest suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or possess drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the residence immediately. If the guest refuses, the proper policies and procedures will be followed to ensure the safety and protection of the participants and the HHOC facility.
-Guests are required to abide by all house policies while on HHOC Property.
-Guests can only enter the facility when accompanied by the participant.
-Overnights are allowed with prior notice to residence staff.
-Limits shall be enforced on amount of nights/ week that a guest can stay.
-No one guest can stay more than 2 consecutive nights with a participant.
-At no time can guests possess keys to residence.
-Overnight guests must sign-in when entering this facility for fire & safety reasons.
-The sign-in sheet is at the top of the Central Street entrance.
-Participants are required to notify program staff if an overnight guest has a vehicle parked in the HHOC parking lot. (Reminder: unauthorized vehicles will be towed from this HHOC facility parking lot.)
-Participants must be aware of the condition of their guests. Individuals who have been terminated for cause from this residence or our sister location at 50 Lowell Street within the past 3 months are prohibited from entering this facility.

Common areas:
-Smoking is not permitted in any common areas of the residence
-Kitchens, bathrooms, & hallways area are to be kept clean. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to termination of participant privilege.
-No personal items are to be kept in common areas. HHOC is not responsible for lost personal items.

-If you own a vehicle, a parking permit will be issued when you register your license plate, make, and model of your vehicle with residence management.
-Only one permit will be issued per participant.
-Permits are not to be sold, lent out, or otherwise transferred to another person.
-Guests are permitted to use the lot only when visiting the participant. The participant must be present in the residence.

Participant Disclosure

As this is a sober living facility and the individual is not covered under landlord/tenant laws, the participant has the right to receive disclosure that they can and will be terminated from the program if the above house rules or housing contract (in the participant intake form) are violated by the participant, without notice. Participants will customarily be given between 24- 48 house to vacate their room, unless the grievous nature of the offense requires immediate dismissal. (Ex. Substance use, fighting, threats of aggression, or theft to name a few.)

I have read, understand and agree to these house rules and understand that violations of any rule will result in disciplinary measures up to and including termination of program privileges.